Sunday, February 28, 2010

Abstract Textural Collage with Shirley Nachtrieb

Abstract Textural Collages
Explore fluid acrylics and textural elements to create semi-abstractpaintings on paper. This is the perfect workshop for the artist wholoves both realism and abstraction. The under-painting that is createdthe first day of the workshop may be finished as is, developed withpositive and negative painting, used as a base for more realistic workor torn into parts that are glued back to a new surface with addedembellishments. The end result will depend on the student's personalchoices and reference materials. Ideas gained from this workshop may beapplied to fabric or canvas. Bring in a 16 x 20 mat to view finished artwork.

3105 Sat & Sun March 20 & 21 10A-4P
Tuition: $168 Members: $152
Materials: List sent uponenrollment

Shirley Nachtrieb is a well known water media artist from St. Charles, Missouri. She is a four-time winner of the prestigious Grumbacher Awardof Excellence and her collage paintings have appeared in numerouspublications and exhibitions. Shirley is a signature member of theSociety of Layerists in Multimedia, St. Louis Watercolor Society, theInternational Society of Experimental Artists, and the MissouriWatercolor Society. More of her work can be seen at www.nachtrieb. com

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