Friday, February 5, 2010

Boschert and Wilmes display new work at Parkside Retirement Center

Serena Boschert and Linda Wilmes have a joint show of their work at the Parkside Retirement Center, 2150 W. Randolph St., St. Charles, MO 63301. The artwork is located in the walkway, connecting the residential buildings.

The show contains over 50 pieces , including both paintings and several 3 dimentional works. Serena Boschert has on display several paintings, ceramic ornaments, bowls, several decorative pieces, which add an interest and vitality to the show. Linda is displaying 21 paintings, including watercolors, pastels, and acrylics. The show theme is St. Charles, and will remain on display till the end of April 2010. For further information call Linda Wilkerson at 636 946 4966, or

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