Monday, March 1, 2010

Sign the Petition for the Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act

Stop in the gallery to view and sign the petition, which we fully support!

Missouri is widely recognized as the "Puppy Mill Capital of the Nation" because of its far greater number of commercial dog breeding facilities than any other state. Every month, thousands of puppies from Missouri are shipped to pet stores throughout North America and beyond. In 1992, the Alliance led the effort to pass the Animal Care Facilities Act (ACFA) which established minimum standards of care and required annual inspections for commercial dog breeders. This proposed ballot measure would add new standards of canine care to the ACFA statute.

Specifically the measure would require:
-Sufficient food and clean water
-Necessary veterinary care
-Sufficient housing, including protection from the elements and eliminating wire-floored cages
-Sufficient space for dogs to turn and stretch, lie down, and fully extend their limbs
-Regular exercise, and
-Adequate rest between breeding cycles

Visit Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act for the entire ballot initiative language.To help raise awareness, we will be hosting an exhibit of work called "Dogs Can't Vote....YOU CAN!" that will start on March 19. Keep posted for more details!THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Missouri Bloggers:

I would like to include your furry friends in the SHOW ME STATE DOGS photo album!!!

Just attach a photo to an email, and include your dog's … Name, Breed, Birthday, and Favorite Activities.

Let’s keep in touch,

OREO’s Pet Parent,