Saturday, August 16, 2008

2008 Fall Art Class Schedule for Linda Wilmes

The following classes are being offered by Linda Wilmes at O’Fallon Civic Park, through the Parks and Recreation Dept., 636 474 2REC, or online at Fees:$65 for O’Fallon Residents and $70 for non-residents. Registration cut off dates are 5 days prior to class start date. A supply list will be furnished upon registration.

Sept 13 and 14th, A Two Day Plein Air Workshop., 9 – 3 both days. Rain Date Sept. 20 and 21.
A two day workshop to paint the great outdoors in natural light. Study the effects of the atmosphere on the landscape, and the dynamic use of light and shadow. Color theory will be thoroughly explained, to capture depth ,and emphasize the subject. Recommended mediums are oil and acrylic. Instructor will demonstrate in acrylics.

Sept. 8 – 29, 9 – 12 p.m. Pet Portraits with acrylics. This class will teach the techniques used to create life like images of your pet, with personality. Bring you photos, and then re create on canvas.

Oct. 2 -23, 9 – 12 p.m., Beginning Soft Pastels. Use the brilliance of pastels to create beautiful landscapes and still life. Learn to apply an undercoating, then proceed with layers of pastel. Color theory is thoroughly explained and demonstrated. Materials will be discussed along with many other tips for using this wonderful medium.

Oct. 6 – 27, 9 – 12 p.m., Watercolor Basics. Learn the basic techniques of watercolor applications, along with many other tips, to create beautiful landscapes and still life. Discover the beauty of transparent watercolors that will glow with light. All techniques will be thoroughly explained and demonstrated by the instructor.

Oct. 4th and 5th, A Plein Air workshop, 9 – 3 both days. Explore the adventure of outdoor painting in the natural light. You will take the beauty of nature and take it beyond duplicating nature. By studying th e effects of the atmosphere, you will use the light and shadow to emphasize the subject. Color theory, composition, focal point and perspective will be thoroughly explained and demonstrated. $120 for CAL members/ $150 for non – members. Columbia Art League, 111 South Ninth Street, Suite 140, Columbia, MO. 573 443 2131, 573 443 8838, email,

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