Saturday, September 6, 2008

Artist & Musician Team Up For Fabulous Affair

Artist & Musician Team Up For Fabulous Affair
A multimedia performance second to none!
Featuring Musical Performance & Live Painting
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History
315 East Warren Ave.
Detroit, Michigan 48201
Exhibit begins at 2:30 p.m.
Concert Performance begins at 4:15 p.m.
(Tickets may be purchased on-site day of event)
Ticket price $10 advance - $15 day of event
Sponsored by Timothy Orikri Studios - Chris & Company –

1 comment:

keith Johnson said...

This is one of the most inspiring event I have ever attended in recent years. The beautiful presentation of Spiritual hymns was in a very cool way heightened by the prolific demonstration of skills that artist Timothy Orikri presented.

While Chris Hale and company sang their hearts out -Timothy Orikri transformed a giant 12 foot tall mural into a great rhythm of beauty.
I hope this artists will create more events like this in the near future .

A big kudos to Mr. C. Hale and Mr. Timothy Orikri.
Thanks you for the night of inspiration

Your website too is amazing.