Thursday, September 24, 2009

St. Charles Plein Air Competition starts next week!

Quick Paints announced this week!

Quick Paint #1 on Saturday, October 3: 9am - 12pm

Location: Intersection of Main Street and Boone's Lick
Sponsors: Street Scape Magazine & Framations Art Gallery

Quick Paint #2 on Tuesday, October 6: 9am - 12pm
Location: 117 South Main Street
Sponsor: Quilogy

Quick Paint #3 on Friday, October 9: 9am - 12pm
Location: 100, 200, 300 blocks of North Main
(meet in breezeway between 100 and 200 block on east side of street)
Sponsors: Joyce and Gary Shaw

For more informations about the event sponsors, please view the Event Sponsors Page!

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