Sunday, August 16, 2009

Art of the Motorcycle supports the Arts in St. Charles!

Join Framations in supporting the arts in St. Charles by attending the 2nd Annual Art of the Motorcycle on August 22, 7pm at the Foundry Art Centre!

This unique event documents and celebrates the evolution of the motorcycle from little more than a powered bicycle, to the distinctive form of transportation and statement of personal style that it is today. Proceeds from the event will benefit St. Charles Riverfront Arts' efforts to promote visual and performing arts throughout the St. Charles community.

The Art
Noted Harley-Davidson Motorcycle artist Scott Jacobs will headline the Second Annual Art of the Motorcycle Gala on Saturday evening. Jacobs was the first Harley-Davidson artist licensed worldwide, and his works of art will be displayed in the Main Gallery. Local metal sculptor, Joseph Farmer and line artist, Wendy Stansbery Walther will also have their works displayed.
Visit Scott Jacobs' Gallery
Visit Joseph Farmer's Gallery

The Motorcycles: Vintage and Modern
The Art of the Motorcycle begins at 7pm and features an exhibition of both vintage and modern bikes, many from the Mungenast Family and Moto Museum collections. Motorcycle experts will discuss historical cycle information and guests will have a hands-on opportunity with racers, choppers, and bikes of all makes and models. See pictures from last year's event.
A Limited number of tickets are available at Framations!
Whether you're a die-hard motorcycle fan or fine art enthusiast, or simply want to have a good time and support the arts in St. Charles - this is the place to be! Tickets are $50 per person in advance and $55 at the door. Attendees will enjoy a selection of food, wine, and beer donated by local restaurants. There will also be ride opportunities during the event, as well as many motorcycle-themed boutique/specialty and accessory items available for purchase. Guests can also purchase motorcycle T-shirts collected fro around the world and commemorative T-shirts and posters from the event. Guests should plan on wearing "slightly upscale and festive" motorcycle attire.

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