Friday, October 22, 2010

Art of the Motorcycle

November 6 at the Foundry Art Centre 7 pm

This is the third year that Saint Charles Riverfront Arts is hosting this unique event, which documents and celebrates the evolution of the motorcycle from little more than a powered bicycle, to the distinctive form of transportation and statement of personal style that it is today. Proceeds from the event will benefit Saint Charles Riverfront Arts’ efforts to promote visual and performing arts throughout the St. Charles community.

The “Art of the Motorcycle” Gala begins at 7 p.m. and features an exhibition of both vintage and modern bikes, many from private collections, the Mungenast Motorcycle Museum, the Donelson Cycles Museum and The Moto Museum. Motorcycle experts will discuss historical cycle information, and guests will have a hands-on contact opportunity with racers, artists, custom bike builders and museum curators.

Tickets are $50 per person in advance and $55 at the door.
Purchase your tickets
online or at Framations. Attendees will enjoy a great selection of food, wine and beer donated by local restaurants and beer and wine distributors.

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