Monday, August 9, 2010

Variety of classes with Linda Wilmes

Oct 2 & 3 Watercolor Workshop at the Foundry Art Centre The cost of the workshop is $85 for non-members and $80 for members. The Foundry Art Centre is located at 520 N. Main Center, St. Charles, MO. For mroe information or to register, contact Angela at 636-255-0270 or


The following classes will be offered through the Renaud Spirit Center, O’Fallon, MO, and held at the Civic Park Art Room. All classes will be 9 am – 3:30 pm each day. A supply list will be furnished upon registration. All classes are for beginning to intermediate artists. Please bring a sack lunch. To Register call (636) 474-2REC, or online at Fees are: $65.00 for O'Fallon residents and $70.00 for non-residents

Sept. 4 & 5 (Rain date Sept 11 and 12. ) Plein air painting
Plein air painting of the historic log cabin in O’Fallon Civic Park. Painting outdoors has long been the preferred method of painting to accurately capture the changes that naturally occur outdoors. The instructor will explain and demonstrate.

Nov. 6 & 7: Painting The Autumn Colors
Painting The Autumn Colors with the artist's choice of media. Students will work from their own photo. This is an enjoyable exploration of color, value and color theory, while working with a limited palette.

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