Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Classes with Shirley Nachtrieb

April 20 & 21 – Watercolor Landscape, street scenes, 9:30am-3:30pm, Bring your favorite photos and put them into watercolors! Study in perspective, textures and color theory. This workshop may also be attended by those working with pastels and wanting to fine tune their drawing skills. $110

May 18 & 19 – Watercolor Still Life, 9:30 am-3:30 pm, working from a live set-up with a focus on composition. Sketchers may also sign up to work in pencil or pastel. Bring a camera to photograph still life from different angles. $110

August 17 & 18 - Watercolor Portrait with Flowers, 9:30am-3:30 pm , Study the human face in watercolors and add a touch of nature with flowers. This workshop may also be attended by those using pastels. $110

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